Hobby Review: Community Band
It started with Junior High … Twice! Starting Band I remember going to my older brother’s first Junior High School band concert. I don’t remember […]
Various thoughts on things
It started with Junior High … Twice! Starting Band I remember going to my older brother’s first Junior High School band concert. I don’t remember […]
I tried my hand at being a YouTuber and Podcaster on current legal cases. Here is my report. Why I chose to do a Podcast
Hobby Review: Starting a Podcast about Current Legal Cases Read more >>
Why I became an attorney I wish I had a great story. I don’t. Becoming a lawyer wasn’t my childhood dream. In fact, I’m not
A Few Things I Like and Dislike About Being an Attorney Read more >>
As a high school and college student, I felt like I was pretty good at making friends. Once I got married and busy with family
A Father’s Guide to Mastering Small Talk: From Awkward to Adept Read more >>
One of my goals as a 40-year-old is to take more time to explore hobbies. I feel compelled to always try and turn something into
Civil litigation is an argument in extreme slow motion. Instead of having people screaming at each other face-to-face (or worse), litigation allows people to carefully
6 steps to starting a solo law practice. How I did it in a new town with virtually no established network. Plus sample forms!
Dreaming of Hanging Your Own Shingle? How I did it in a new town in 6 steps. Read more >>
If overthinking ever makes you feel stuck, here are two passages from the Lord of the Rings that help put your overthinking in context.
The Lord of the Overthinking: Two Tolkien Passages that Help Read more >>
Overthinking can get in the way of life. Here are 6 steps that can help you overcome overthinking so you can get unstuck.
The tipping situation has gotten out of control. I’m totally fine with tipping for service at restaurants. I understand that the wait staff is dependent